Moder Teresa: Versjèl tösje versies

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Nuuj pazjena mit {{Wq/li/kop}} {{Alb}} thumb|Moder Teresa * Ingels: ''I think it is very beautiful for the poor to accept their lot, to share it with the passion of Christ. I think the world is being much helped by the suffering of the poor people.'' ** Limbörgs: ''Ich dink det 't sjoean is wen de erm luuj häör lot akseptere, veur 't te deile mitte pasje van Jezes. Ich dink det de werreld dao väöl bie gebaatj is mit 't leid vanne erm luuj.'' * Ingels...
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[[Plaetje:MotherTeresa_090.jpg|thumb|Moder Teresa (1986)]]
* Ingels: ''I think it is very beautiful for the poor to accept their lot, to share it with the passion of Christ. I think the world is being much helped by the suffering of the poor people.''